
make a wish造句简单,make awish是什么意思

a little造句简单 2023-08-23 15:36 579 墨鱼
a little造句简单

make a wish造句简单,make awish是什么意思

5.I've heard that if youmakewishupon a shoot-ing star, it comes true! 我听説,如果你对著流星许愿,愿望就能实现!-- 来源-- sl.iciba好评(10)差评() 6.In-Kwon beli新概念2答案- 已解决- a. thought about it( 考虑), d.made a wish(立下心愿)都没有下决心的意思。a. to 不对,可以是wenwen.soso|基于35个网页2.

≥^≤ 13、How I wish I could make a journey into space and see the stars up close. 我多么希望我能够进行太空旅行,近距离地看看星星啊。14、To make a study of the kangarooWhen I come to the sea, I often make a wish. 当我来到海边的时候,我经常许愿。这里的make a wish表示许愿。make a wish的同义短语是:make a vow 最新资讯2023年考不上高中

1、You may make a wish now.现在你可以许愿了。2、I make a wish and then blow out the candles.我许下一个愿望make a wish造句一.用make a wish造句1、You may make a wish now. 现在你可以许愿了。2、I make a wish and then blow out the candles. 我许下一个愿望,然后吹灭蜡烛。3

1. "I wish I had a little brother," said Daphne wistfully. “我希望有个小弟弟。”达夫妮伤感地说。2. They have no wish for any change in the status You can make a wish on your birthday party.

Here again was a chance for him to make amends if he wished如果他愿意,弥补过失现在又是一个机会。I don't wish to make a display of my feelings. 我倒不是故意表白我类型英语造句1、It's winter. We canmake a snowman.(冬天到了。我们可以堆雪人。2、Certainly! Shall wemake a snowman?(当然!我们堆雪人好吗? 3、We canmake a snowman


标签: make awish是什么意思



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