
is taking,he is taking

is taking off 2023-08-29 15:01 520 墨鱼
is taking off

is taking,he is taking

will后面是跟挺长一段时间,比如I will be a scientist.而is doing 也是将来时,代表马上就发生的将来,比如你这个5.A.She is taking some medicine. B.She has not seen a doctor yet. C.She does not trust the man's advice. D.She has almost recovered from the cough

爱扬教育8. The plane is about to take off. Please don’t walk about in the cabin. 飞机马上要起飞了,请不要在客舱内走动。9. You know the weather in Hong Kong is not so good. it h

taking是take的现在分词形式,前面需要加be或需加ing形式的动词。is takes,是错误的,要么是is taking,要么是is taken(被动语态)。takes是take的单三形式。1. 一般时基础但麻烦的英语问题一个/一堆_百度知道过去完成式had taken一般时is taken现在进行时is being taken zhidao.baidu|基于2个网页2. 现在式被动如

The Biggest Risk is NOT Taking any Risk At the end of October,unmanned bus would officially comes on stage in Shenzhen!The news is not groundless but just unveileIn a nation of tea-drinkers, coffee is taking over On a spring morning in Chengdu, the capital of the south-western province of Sichuan, Zhang Xiaoyu stands in her class

It is recommended that: breastfed babies should be given a daily supplement containing 8.5 to 10 micrograms of vitamin D from birth, even if the mot1. 是现在时表示将来时英语初三选择题问题_百度知道is taking是现在时表示将来时Doestake C.过去时zhidao.baidu|基于1 个网页2. 是现在进行时帮忙翻译th


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