
Reach to,required作为形容词

be reached to 2022-12-26 09:10 855 墨鱼
be reached to

Reach to,required作为形容词

Reach Tosail across the wind, or between the extremes of beat and run. 侧风横穿风向航行,介入顺风和迎风之间。The bones in the tail should feel straight and shoulreach to 传到,达到reach for 伸手拿东西reach into 伸进…之中reach after 伸手去拿…追求…企图得到…reach bottom 触到水底;弄清底细reach up 举手,伸脖子put up one's hand hand

reach to 和get to的区别

∩0∩ arrive to和reach to和get to的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.arrive to意思:到达2.reach to意思:达到3.get to意思:开始;到达,抵“reach to”的中文翻译词典解释美音: ] 英音: ] 1. 达到He wore a coat that reached to his knees. 他穿了件长及膝盖的外衣。相关词语reachto

reach to和arrive at的区别

你好。reach用作动词可以及物也可以不及物。用作及物动词时表示“到达”“伸手够到某物”等,此时reach后面直接跟宾语,不需要添加任何介词。例如:When did you r访问沪江小D查看reach to的更多详细解释> 参考例句The limitless reaches of outer space.对处外层空间的无限追踪Flood water reaches the knees水漫过膝The two parties

reach to和reach区别

意思不同:arrive to意思是到达;reach to意思是达到;get to意思是开始、到达,抵达、抓住、接触,和…取得联系。用法不同,arrive to用法:作不及物动词时,常可与介词at、in,on连用。rereach 与reach to的意思差别很大reach通常接地名,表示到达哪儿.而reach则不是"到达"的意思,请看下面reach to的几人用法:1.延伸到:例句:This street reac


标签: required作为形容词



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