
i say your monster歌词,i see a monster歌词

Monsters原唱歌词 2023-02-10 07:57 943 墨鱼

i say your monster歌词,i see a monster歌词

I see your monsters, I see your pain. 我看到你心里的野兽看到你的痛苦Tell me your problems,I'll chase them away. 告诉我你的麻烦我会把它们赶走I'llI'll be your lighthouse I'll make it okay When I see your monsters I'll stand there so brave And chase them all away In the dark we we We stand apar

I'll be your lighthouse,I'll make it okay 我会是你的灯塔,我会保护你When I see your monsters,I'll stand there so brave 当我看到你内心的野兽,我会勇敢地站出来I see your 其中歌词如下:I see your monsters我看到你的心魔;I see your pain我看到你的痛苦;Tell me your problems告诉我你的难言之隐;I’ll chase them away我会让你的烦恼烟消云散’ll

I see your monster,歌词中的含义?第一,就是那个男孩所心爱的女孩,一直在表达自己对女孩的真心,比如那句我会勇敢的站出来,把他们全部赶走,那个女孩一直在给男孩爱得照顾她,部分的中英文对照歌词有:I see your monsters I see your pain我明白你的恐惧和痛苦Tell me your problems I'll chase them away让我分担你的忧虑,我会安抚好你I'll be your ligh

Monsters歌词I see your monsters, I see your pain. 我看到你心里的野兽看到你的痛苦Tell me your problems,I'll chase them away. 告诉我你的麻烦我会把Monsters歌词I see your monsters, I see your pain. 我看到你心里的野兽看到你的痛苦Tell me your problems,I'll chase them away. 告诉我你的麻烦我会把它们赶走I'll be you

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