

Parrot. 2023-02-20 22:15 214 墨鱼


a green 英文:a green 中文意思:网络] 绿色;绿色的;周末清晨露台上一只绿蜘蛛agree英音:ə'gri:]美音:ə'gri] 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释不及物动词vi. 1.意见一致[(+with/about/on)][W]I don't agree with Phil on many things

agree英音:ə'gri:]美音:ə'gri]以下结果由译典通提供词典解释不及物动词vi.1.意见一致[(+with/aboutSPIC is not alone. Increasing numbers of Chinese companies have been leveraging their technology in Turkey in recent years to create a green trend for the future, with

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