

Pronounce音标 2023-08-15 10:05 858 墨鱼


+0+ 3) radio station 无线电台1. Comprehensive parameter safety monitoring and control system of mine ventilation shaft base on DSP radio station; 基于DSP无线电台风radio读音:英['reɪdɪəʊ] 美[ˈredio]。n.无线电;收音机;无线电广播台;无线电收发报机

≥▽≤ radio radio: [20] Radio began life, in the first decade of the 20th century, as an abbreviation of radiotelegraphy, a compound based on Latin radius. This originally meant ‘staff, sradio的中文意思:无线电;收音机;无线,点击查看详细解释:radio的中文翻译、radio的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握radio这个单词。

. 音标字母例词特殊单词cake, grape, plate, table, plane, bookcase,baseball, tape, name, radio, a stapler, crayon, date ,late, take, make, taste, race, table, mradio 英式音标:reɪdɪəʊ]美式音标:'redɪo]中文谐音:瑞丢n. 收音机;无线电广播设备vi. 用无线电进行通信vt. 用无线电发送n

?0? radio 显示所有例句n. 1. [u][sing] 无线电广播;无线电广播节目the activity of broadcasting programmes for people to listen to; the programmes that are broadcast 2形容词radio: indicating radiation or radioactivity 例句:I'm afraid this old radio is beyond repair. 恐怕这台旧收音机不能修了。The people next door play their r

单词:radio音标:'reidiəu] 读音radio的发音:单词解释n.收音机;无线电;广播联想方式:r-人adi-奥迪o-呼拉圈记忆方法:人在奥迪车顶转呼拉圈,听无线电收一、收音机的英文radio,音标英[ˈreɪdiəʊ]、美[ˈreɪdioʊ]。二、释义:1、n.无线电;收音机;无线电广播台;无线电收发报机The BBC has just successfully demonstrate


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