
go to do的用法,go to do sth

do和does的区别和用法 2022-12-25 07:23 257 墨鱼

go to do的用法,go to do sth

go to do 有这样的用法吗?见过很多这么用的,如go to seego for dinner 和go to have dinner.意思一样吗,有go for 这个表达没?相关知识点: 解析有的go for dinner 和go to do 是动词不定式,doing是动名词,go 后面接动词不定式和动名词,意义差别是非常大的。动名词表示的是抽象含义,表示"去做某事",是抽象的做某事的意思,而不是特指某个时刻去

一般将来时时。go变成现在分词形式,与系动词be连用be going to do sth.如果go以不定式存在。这时会造中句中动词过多,表达较冗余,用得不多,例如I want to go to watch TVI'd like to go on living here for years! If you go on practising your English, you'll go on to be even better than you are now! 2. “Go on to do”指“进一步做另外的事

It goes to show that he can be trusted. 这有助于表明他是可以信赖的。3.用在否定句时,表示“想”。如:I didn't go to do it.我并不想做这事。四、go do 这种用法较另外:I get up to go to school. I talked him to do that thing. 这里的to是一个动作滑动下一

1.这两者区别不大,都有“去做某事”的意思. 2.不过,go doing中的do一般都要求是不及物动词,如go shopping/swimming/walking等. 而go to do sth中的d“be to do sth”的近义语句:“be about to do sth”;“be going to do sth.”;“begin to do sth”表示即将做某事;刚要做某事。be going to + 动原,和be + d

go to do和go doing的区别是意思不同、用法不同、语态不同。go to do常接不带冠词的名词,表示去进行一种活动,而不表示去什么地方。go doing基本意思是离开原d1. get to do往往暗示一个较长的过程,含有“渐渐开始”之意,此时get后接的不定式通常为to know, to like, to hate, to understand, to realize等表示心理感觉


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