

too much造句简单翻译 2022-12-24 00:29 901 墨鱼
too much造句简单翻译


带有造句:1、在一片带有原始神秘色彩的山崖上悬挂着一匹银白色的飞瀑,争先恐后地直奔水渠。2、奶奶满脸爬着重重的皱纹,因为带有笑容,眼角的纹路像两把打开的扇子。3、它翼后的空腔1、John was very relaxed with all the homework done. 2、John had to stay up late last night with so much homework to do. 3、John likes sleeping with

∩0∩ 表示条件时,根据情况可与虚拟语气连用.如:With more money I would be able to buy it. 要是钱多一点,我就买得起了. With better equipment, we could have finished the joWith the new year coming,students are busy preparing everything concerned.(with+n.+doing)The manager has gone to enjoy his holiday with the work fin

和…在一起;和;同;跟;有;具有;带有;用;使用;以;借with的例句1 With her were her son and daughter-in-law 和她在一起的是她的儿子和儿媳。2 Serve hot, with pasta or ri例如:a girl with long hair 一个留长发的女孩a book with a green cover 一本有着绿色封面的书a big house with a garden 一座有花园的大房子a country with

with的用法总结:with做介词,意思是和…在一起、和、同、跟、有、具有、带有、用、使用、以、借。典型句子例如:The keys are with reception.钥匙放在接待处。with造句31句1、Doyouliketohobnobwithme?你愿意和我一起喝两杯吗?2、将某事继续干下去,直到结束。3、妇女只是要求得到和男人平等的地位。4、莉兹是与之相


标签: greet造句子简单



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