
cut it out怎么读,our中文翻译

drawapicture怎么读英语 2023-08-19 19:15 868 墨鱼

cut it out怎么读,our中文翻译

cut itout发音意思翻译剪切itout 相似词语短语work itout───工作结束cut cut───切,切cut───v.割破;用刀等)切下,割成;剪短;释放;剪裁;削减;删节;剪切;停止Xinhua Commentary: Who is posing a dire threat to the global economy? China strongly condemns U.S. decision to arrange so-called "stopover" for Lai Ching-te Consumption and innovatio

英[kʌt it aut] 美[kʌt ɪt aʊt] 是什么意思释义停止(做某事),住手;学习怎么用双语例句My father has cut off the supplies. 父亲停止给我生活费了。He sat out thecut it out 美英na.停止!英汉na. 1. 停止!释义:全部,停止!1. Butyouhavetocutitoutofthem,youknow; you don't takeabobifyoujustsitandlookatthem. 可是你得从他们身

cut it out → have a smack at, try and, pack it in, keep in the pin, chicken out, be in duty bound, bind oneself to do something, give instructions, have a mind t10. cut out 10. Now you need to cut it out. 现在你需要减少了。11. You can cut out what you don ` t like. 你可以删去你不喜欢的。12. 12. I think you cut me out of

cut it out , ,cu(t)i'(t)ou(t) /, kʌtɪ'taʊt / 把这3个单词放一块,出生日期:姓名详批重新填写[直译] 把它剪掉[基本释义] »停止![详尽释义] 1. 停止!CUT IT OUT是什么意思?以上就是CUT IT OUT的含义解释和发音。最近查询] 《帝京篇十

115.lat= bring,out,表示“拿出,带出”"116.lav,luv,lut=wash,表示“洗,冲洗”"117.lect,lig= choose,gather表示“选择,收集”" 118.lect,leg=speak,read,表示cut out 是什么意思及中文翻译:停止裁剪剪下取代包含cut out的单词更多> cutout剪下的图样包含cut out的短语更多> He sliced openher abdomen.Cut outher uterus. 他切


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