
shadowrocket PC版

免费网络梯子 2023-08-20 12:55 509 墨鱼

shadowrocket PC版

How to Download, install and use Shadowrocket on your Windows Computer At the moment, Shadowrocket is not available for direct download on a computeHome shadowsocks电脑版(Mac苹果系统电脑)客户端配置教程A.【利用BWH一键上youtube、facebook等网教程、支持支付宝!】B.【利用Hostwinds-V2Ray图文搭建教程-科学上网】下载使用shadowSocks客户

今天小编给大家手把手教学一下如何在PC电脑上使用Shadowsocks。一、软件下载下载任意一个软件压缩包,下载后解压至任意目录安装。1、下载:【最新版Shadowsocks-】或者【推荐Shadowsocks1. 下载PC 版本的Shadowsocks 首先,点击下方链接下载PC 版的客户端Shadowsocks 。本地下载2. 解压安装Shadowsocks 首先解压下载好的Shadowsocks-v4.3.3.170.zip 文件如图。提前说明,很多

Using Shadowrocket on PC [Windows 7/ 8/8.1/ 10/ 11]: Open the Emulator app you installed »goto its search bar and search "Shadowrocket" The search will reveal the Shashadowrocket pc版本No incidents or maintenance related to this downtime. Past Incidents Aug4,v2ray传输协议选择No incidents reported today. Aug3,2023 No incident


Using the Shadowrocket App for PC Now that you’ve downloaded and installed the Shadowrocket app for PC, it’s time to put it to use! To do this, you’ll need to find 4、把安装包下载后解压文件夹放在电脑桌面上,里面的应用程序不去挪动。5、购买节点,个人中心提取复制相应shadowrocket节点订阅5、打开v2rayN应用程序(查看桌面右下角应用程序图标


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