

大学生兼职英语作文100字左右 2023-03-30 18:48 571 墨鱼


students havepart-time jobs, mayhave sleep,rest, study amconcerned,, students can choose takeup part-timejob according ownsituation. mostimportant t篇1:暑假兼职英语作文100字This summer vacation I got a part-time job in a snack bar. At the beginning, I couldnt do well at all often made mistakes. I was very low-spiri

一些人认为它可以给学生们带来很多好处,而另一些人则认为兼职工作是不值得消耗时间的。在我看来,每一个硬币都有两个面。有几个理由可以支持我的观点。On the one hand, doin我的兼职工作My Part-time Job Since the summer holiday comes,I have a lot of free time,as I stay at home all the time,my mother suggests me to take a part-time job

2.你假期的打算(如做兼职、做志愿者等) Dear Tom, How is everything going? I feel terribly sorry for missing the chance of answering your letter in time大学生的兼职工作英语作文篇1 in recent years, more and more college students choose to take part-time jobs in or outside school. many teachers comp

˙﹏˙ Nearly two months of working time let me understand a lot of truth, and brought endless fun to my study life暑假做兼职的英语作文,100字左右,有中文翻译写作思路:可以写自己在打工的进程中学到了什么道理,比方懂得与陌生人打交道,第一次领会到日子的巨大压力等等。正

⊙▽⊙ 力哥MBA英语你们要的大英赛特等奖经验贴来了!! 为什么出经验贴?本人一共参加过两次大英赛,第一次二等奖,第二次特等奖!两次参赛也算是把这个比赛摸透了。之前一直有朋友、老师来兼职之我见My view on part-time jobs Some people say that college students should take up part-time jobs because they have much more free time than in the high school


标签: 关于兼职的英语作文100字简单



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