
close的短语搭配,be close to 后面跟什么

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close的短语搭配,be close to 后面跟什么

含close的短语有:close-at-hand、close-by、close-in、close-up、be close to、close about、close with、close over、close down等。扩展资料I made a point of closing aclose on 接近,差不多at the close of 在..结束时close in 包围,封闭,渐短close to 靠近,接近,与…关系密切close with 与短兵相接;逼近;同意,接受,与达成协议be c

Close on 接近;渐渐赶上It’s close on 12 o’clock. 快到12点了。His grandfather is close on eighty. 他爷爷快八十岁了。Close up 关闭;停业Please close up the door.down【关闭、停止播音】③close in【包围、迫近、渐短】④close one's ears to【掩而不听】⑤close over【淹没、遮蔽、封盖】⑥close up【愈合、靠近、关闭】

close up 1. 靠近靠近了看,她也很漂亮。close up she was no less prettye close 1. 几乎要,差一点做他差一点就开口骂首相是个骗子。he &B{came close to}She's always been very close with her money. 她用钱总是很吝啬。含close的短语含close 的短语含close 的短语有:close-at-hand 、close-by 、close-in 、close-up、

close sth (up)关闭某物;close (sth) (to sb/sth)接近某人某事物扩展资料The road was closed to traffic for two days. 这条路已经封路两天了。I couldn't get close enough to close by在…附近;close on接近,差不多;close to接近,大约;close to home中肯;after the close结束后;at the close结束时;before the close结束前;near


标签: be close to 后面跟什么



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