
in a mess造句,from the bottom of my heart造句

be in bad shape造句 2023-06-12 21:55 860 墨鱼
be in bad shape造句

in a mess造句,from the bottom of my heart造句

in a dreadful mess的造句和例句:1. All the things i had packed so carefully were soon in a dreadful mess 我精心整理的东西瞬间乱成一团。2. All the things i had pa1. I cannot find my keys because my room is in a mess. 因为我的房间很乱,我找不到我的钥匙。2. The kitchen after cooking was in a mess. 做完饭后,厨房里很乱。3.She

1、We arein a mess. 2、The economy is plainlyin a mess. 3、His desk is alwaysin a mess. 4、The economy isin a mess. 5、Your room isin a mess. 6、The单词in a mess 例句大全,用单词in a mess造句:A house is bound to bein a messafter a party. 聚会过后房子一定会乱七八糟。Acceptance of that view would also end upi

(*?↓˙*) 37.To makeamessof; bungle. 弄乱;搞糟-- 来源-- 英汉- 短句参考好评(10)差评() 38.eat inamess; in the military. 混乱地进餐;在军队里。- 来源-- 汉英- 翻译参考好in a mess造句复制1、Your room isin a mess. Please tidy it up.(你的房间那么乱,收拾一下吧。2、The economy isin a mess.(经济陷入了困境。3、His desk is alwaysin

The kitchen was in a mess.厨房又脏又乱18. My hair is a mess after being outside in the wind.风中吹得我的头发乱糟糟的。19. I'm sorry I made a mess of things.很抱歉我把事情搞糟了。20. Asmall mistake c

用mouse和floor造句?There is a mouse on the floor.The mouse is eating the cheese,and the floor becomes dirty and in a mess. There is a mouse on the 1.eat in a mess hall 2.make a mess of or create disorder in; He messed up his room 法律1.大锅饭-mess 1 . 军用食堂热门文章Missile equipped de


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