

手机带来的好处英语作文 2023-02-11 15:18 511 墨鱼


手机给我们带来的好处英语作文篇1 With the development of science and technology, there are more and more new products appearing in human beings' life.Cell phone is a go1.手机的好处;2.手机带来的问题。★ 范文Cellphone is very popular in our life.It is a useful tool for us to communicate with others wherever he or s

第三,带手机去学校可以让学生相互竞争。在我看来,学生不应该带手机在学校时间因为它有缺点多于优点。学生应该学会在正确的时间使用手机。手机英语作文【篇二】With the improving关于手机的好处The Advantage Of Cell Phone With the development of science and technology, there are more and more new products appearing in human beings’life

说起手机的好处,可能每个人都有自己的想法,但是如果是小学生的话,我想他们能看到的就是以下的好处。案例一Mobile phones have become an indispensable tool i1、好处:1)最简单地概括就是“便利”:你可以随时随地进行包括语音通话、文字信息以及视频通讯,还可以随时上网(包括浏览网页、收发邮件、看电影等),当然,这需

【英语作文】手机的好处The Advantages of Mobile Phone.docx,【英语作文】手机的好处The Advantages of Mobile Phone Mobilephoneisreallynecessaryand impo第二,手机使我们的工作或学习更有效率。人们能够用手机搜索数据,传送文件等。对于学生来说,他们能够随时用手机阅读而无需携带书。In addition, mobile phone makes our li

2022手机的好处英语作文篇1 I’m writing to you to express my concerns about the using of mobile phones in high school. Nowadays, mobile phones are widely used; even so1、关于手机的好处英语作文Mobile phone is really necessary and important in modernsociety as it brings a lot of convenient to our lives andprovides a


标签: 手机的好处和坏处英语作文



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