

drag造句 2023-08-21 18:31 330 墨鱼


Flu is catching, so stay away from work. 流感是会传染的,所以别去工作了. 《简明英汉词典》The flu has laid him up for a few days. 流感使他在床上躺了几天. 《简明英I got flu and was out of commission for a week. 我得了流感,一星期没工作。I've been laid up with flu for a week. 我患流感已在家休息一个星期了。Flu is an infectio

red flu red flu造句例句与造句The term "red flu" has sometimes been used to describe this action when undertaken by firefighters. Immune to theRed Flu, Michener flu造句1. The flu season is upon us, so make sure to get your flu shot to protect yourself from getting sick. 2. I caught the flu last week and had to stay home

I got the flu. 我感冒了怎么说呢?I got/caught/have the flu.我得了流感。I got/caught/have a cold.我感冒了。如果感冒了想和老板请假,“不想把流感传染给别人”就是最佳的理superfluity造句1、There is also a superfluity of stop signals.此外,停止符的数量也有冗余。2、This book has a superfluity of introductions and summaries此本书中有

flu造句1、I was stuck at home withflu.(我因流感被困在了家里。2、I was in bed with theflu. My wife can vouch for that.(我患流感卧床休息了。我的妻子可为此作证。(hao86好工具) 31、That is notflu. 2、She's got theflu. 3、Afluwog struck. 4、I've caught theflu. 5、Confused about swineflu? 6、A cold becomes theflu. 7、Maybe you

单词FLU 例句大全,用单词FLU造句:Study on Modification of Oil Absorbing Fiber Filter and Influence of Regeneration Rate 除油纤维滤料亲水性及反洗再生能力的研究As tflu的相关例句:1.Afluepidemic raged through the school for weeks. 流感在这所学校里蔓延了几个星期。2.I'm slowly recovering my strength after a bout offlu. 我得过


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