
flush造句,flush with

ebb造句 2023-06-12 13:05 333 墨鱼

flush造句,flush with

driven flush的造句和例句:1. They can either be driven flush with the work or countersunk below the surface and concealed with filler or plugs.内有更多更详细关于d单词flush 例句大全,用单词flush造句:Bakelite cover white baseflushtype switch 胶盖白底平接开关Pleaseflushthe toilet after youve used it. 便後请冲水。Drink plent

flush造句1、The answer is to slow the rate of the toilet flush so that the effect is minimized.解决办法是减少冲厕次数来减小这个连锁效应。2、oh, i have no patien1、toflush withindignation 2、He isflush withhealth. 3、cupboardsflush withthe wall 4、The door isflush withthe casing. 5、Riversflush withthe sprin

≥△≤ Give the toilet a flush. 冲抽水马桶。牛津词典in the first flush of youth/enthusiasm/romance 在青春活力旺盛时期;在热情高涨阶段;在热恋的初期牛津词典Make sure th1、flush-type sprinkler system 2、flushtype screen 3、反正您也不会选我那就请不要伤害我我也有不接受伤害的权利我的容量由我自己决定。4、The toilet doe

11. You flush it down the toilet, you eat it, what? 你把它冲下马桶了你吃掉了还是什么?12. 12. Now, flush with cash and back on the offensive, European managers ar这时候如果你调用了close()方法关闭了读写流,那么这部分数据就会丢失,所以应该在关闭读写流之前先答flush(),先清空数据。是这个意思吧,比如源头是水源,你是水龙头,缓冲区相当于

Flushing 造句/ 例句1. Instead offlushing, they work like a vacuum cleaner sucking away the astronaut's waste. 不是冲洗,而是像真空吸尘器一样吸走宇航员的排泄物。v.+n. flush toilet 权威英汉双解英汉英英网络释义flush 显示所有例句v. 1. [i][t] 发红;脸红to become red, especially because you are embarrassed, angry or hot 2


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